
Sunday, 22 February 2015

What do I have to share?

Last year I didn't apply for Google Academy because I didn't think I had anything to say or share.
Then my principal said my next step was to share my journey as a teacher, and the authentic learning experiences that happen in my class - he said he was looking forward to seeing me present at conferences. Again I was lost - what do I have to say or share that others want to hear? Or haven't heard before! 

I take risks as a teacher - and am always willing to try new things out - I'm not afraid that it might go wrong - there is always a backup plan, or something else to do if it doesn't work out. I try to make my lessons interesting for all students. I try to teach students to take risks, as learning is not about being successful the first time, its about the journey you take to get there. Yet I am not always willing to take risks in front of my peers. 

Educamp seems to be the baby step I need to share my ideas with my peers. Its one thing talking to the like minded teachers at school - its a whole other thing sharing with a captivated audience at a conference.  The purpose of EduCampNZ is to learn and contribute. I am definately not afraid of learning, or contributing. Educamps are an unconference, The sharing of ideas that are tried and tested in the classroom - shared with people who want to learn more, or find out more about the tool or way of doing things. Its informal social gathering of teachers who are wanting to learn and contribute ideas. 

I really like this idea of meeting people face to face to discuss, and share ideas. I was a little jealous of all the great Twitter people I follow heading off to #educamprotovegas
One tweet lead to a meeting with the great @Allanahk  and @nickitempero. Educamp Marlborough was born!  

I am really excited to hear from others - and potentially share my own learning experiences. Those who I have told about Educamp (non twitter peeps - who I am slowly working on converting) are really keen to come along. Not long now until Marlborough & the top of the South educators get to share, contribute, and learn from each other. 

Save the Date:
Saturday 23 May 2015
Keep an eye on this space:

What do you want to learn more about? 

What would you contribute? 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Don't smile until Easter

Whoever decided that teachers needed to be scary, mean and authoritative really didn't think about the consequences.
Once again I've been reminded that I need to not smile until Easter. This is something I don't really agree with. I am generally a happy person, and want to make school a fun, safe place for students to be. I loved school despite all the hang ups I had with learning and I think that was because of a few teachers who made the effort to get to know me.

This first week back at school - my 5th as a teacher has been the best yet. No matter how long you've been teaching you only get the start of the year once a year - and you need to start as you mean to go on. I've started by trying to get to know my students and by letting them get to know me. I don't want to be the robot teacher who kids are shocked to see in the supermarket. I want them to know I am human and have a life outside of my classroom.

This term my class and others in the year 8 team are learning about the human brain. We want our students to know how to learn, and the importance of looking after the brain. One thing that I have found in my research about the brain over the years is that the reptilian part of our brain overrides everything.
Fear is one of the primitive instinctive brain functions - so if someone is experiencing fear - they have three options - flight, fight or freeze.

If I want the students in my class to be able to learn, I need to remove the fear factor. I want them to feel safe enough to be willing and able to learn. 

This week has been about setting boundaries, and getting to know each other. Yes I have made myself clear about my expectations. Yes the students have had a say in how they want the classroom to be. Most students have told me something about themselves and their lives, and I have told them a little about my life. I believe that if we communicate how we are feeling - especially when we aren't feeling that great - and likely to be grumpy, our students will see that we are human and respect that. To them I will not a bomb that could go off at anytime.

Over the last two years I have recognised the importance of building relationships with students. As a beginning teacher I felt that I had to be in control, and I was the robot teacher who lived in a classroom. I was the teacher I hated at school. If I want to be the difference in these students lives - then I need to be different from last centenaries teachers.

This year I started as I intend to go on. I smiled when I read out my class list and welcomed my students to the Awesome Room 1. I also rang home and introduced myself to all parents in my class. I want to make positive contact with home this year. Most parents were a little weary as to why I was calling - immediately going to "my child is in trouble."

It is my mission to make school a place where my students feel safe enough to take risks, make mistakes and FAIL -  First Attempt's at Learning. I believe that if they take risks, they will become confident life long learners.

Even if that means smiling before Easter.